California Department of Toxic Substances Control

The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (or DTSC) is an agency of the government of the state of California. The Mission of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control is to provide the highest level of safety, and to protect public health and the environment from toxic harm. DTSC is part of the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA), has more than one thousand employees, and it is headquartered in Sacramento. DTSC also has a number of regional offices across the state including two environmental chemistry laboratories, and field offices in Sacramento, Berkeley, Los Angeles, Chatsworth, Cypress, Clovis (Fresno), San Diego and Calexico.

Areas of Responsibility

DTSC regulates the generation, handling, treatment and disposal of hazardous waste in California. DTSC also cleans up thousands of hazardous waste sites in California including disposal sites and industrial sites that resulted in contamination of soil and groundwater. In close cooperation with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, DTSC administers both state and federal hazardous waste programs including The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. § 9601–9675), the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and a number of other State and Federal bodies of law dealing with hazardous materials and the environment.

Over the years the scope of activity of the agency has expanded significantly to include the regulation of commercial products including toys, jewelry and even food packaging as it pertains to toxic substances contained within them and the exposure of humans and the environment to these toxic substances.

DTSC protects the public health of communities and the environment from toxic contamination left behind from past industrial and commercial activities through its brownfields and environmental remediation programs under RCRA (Resources Conservation and Recovery Act), CERCLA/Superfund, as well as a 8 or 9 other laws governing clean up of contaminated land, water and air.

DTSC protects the public health of communities and the environment from toxic substances in current economic use and hazardous waste being generated by present-day industrial and commercial activities through its permitting and regulatory programs to ensure the safe handling, transport, storage and disposal of toxic substances and waste.

DTSC protects future generations from the long term stewardship of hazardous substances through pollution prevention business assistance programs, and its new green chemistry mandate - to reduce use of toxic substances in everyday products used by California consumers.

Green Chemistry

The greatest challenge DTSC has been presented with recently is the implementation of California's Green Chemistry Initiative. The Green Cehmistry Initiative consists of a number of laws seeking to create in California a regulatory market driven environment under which all products will be carefully evaluated so that they are in harmony with public health and the environment. For that purpose, DTSC has created a Green Chemistry Wiki seeking to write regulations pursuant to the Green Chemistry Initiative in real time cooperation with California stakeholders, chemical industry representatives, the people of the State of California and the World.

External links

Ecology portal
Environment portal